Friday, January 14, 2011

Friday Linkage

It's been a while since a Friday linkage post. Here's some fun links for you to enjoy this weekend:

Seth Godin has fascinating insights on business and life, but I definitely related to this one. I always feel such guilt when I disobey my GPS....

While you're over at Seth's blog, check out this article as well.

Don Miller is, as always, just brilliant. He encourages readers to focus on cultivating current opportunities in this pithy article.

Eat, Drink, Chic is a really beautiful blog. Someday I want to be like it. But for now, I'll just drool over these.

I'm often guilty of trying to hide a lack of real productivity in my life by just acting "busy". C.J. Mahaney's article was a poignant reminder.

What did you read this week?

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