This article from The Atlantic provides fascinating look at the psychological effects good intentions have on our physical senses.
Creative Commons License: Coffee Club by anthony_p_c on Flickr
Watch the High Calling's brief video (or read the transcript) on why your work matters to God.
World Magazine's commentary about the redemption stories buried beneath March Madness was inspiring, even in light of the demise of my bracket.
After a week filled with random and petty but frustrating mishaps, Jeff Goins' words were a comforting reminder that art must happen not in spite of, but in the midst of, the real sweaty business of life.
In the face of a constant barrage of stories, ads, and curiosity about online dating, the Wall Street Journal provides a sometimes overlooked side to the fascinating new trend.
1 comment:
About the dating article -- I disagree with their final conclusion. Yes, they are right that it's pointless to match people based solely on preferences and personality types, but I think the author missed the point. Telling you to go with your gut and not to overthink where the relationship will go depending upon the personality, past history, mannerisms, and habits of your potential partner is very naive. In fact, that's what people always do. They say, "follow your heart", and then realize they've made a huge mistake. People fall in love (and out of love, just as quickly) with extremely obnoxious and bad people. What about women who find themselves attracted to the legendary Bad Boys? They never win, and it's never good for them, and they're just going with what they feel. Anyway... I think it has something to do with most people thinking that the future of a successful relationship depends upon the first kiss, or how well your first night spent together went. Seriously, people? That's a very ephemeral and self-centered way of thinking about marriage. Okay, anyway, I got distracted from the real topic.
Fun links! Especially the one from the Atlantic.
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