Monday, March 19, 2012

Giveaway: TrimGoTrix Winner Announced

Thank you to all of you who entered the giveaway!

I'm pleased to announce that Rachel from Balance and Blueberries won the drawing!

Thanks again, Monica, for generously giving away a necklace from TrimGoTrix, as well!


Monica Jacobson said...

Congratulations, Rachel! When you decide what you would like, message me via my store, and I'll adjust the price. I think it has to be 20 cents or etsy gets anxious. ;-)

Thanks for hosting the giveaway, Emily!

Lindsey Frederick said...

Rachel? This seems totally rigged :-p hehe.

Madeline Adams said...

Oh that's nice :) And Rachel won the last one too didn't she? :)

Rachel said...

This is totally not rigged. Rachel didn't win last time :)

Thanks so much, Monica! I'm looking forward to exploring your store!

Emily said...

I solemnly swear that it was unrigged. Rachel won fairly....and Monica won last time. So there.

I guess I'll just have to have two more giveaways soon so that Lindsey and Madeline can be happy too.;-)