Saturday, May 5, 2012

Friday Linkage

The bibliography is done and this girl's love-hate relationship with grad school is on hold until June.

This weekend I am going to rest, sleep, read, take care of everything that piled up over the last couple of weeks, spend time with friends, and enjoy being momentarily free from the constraints of deadlines.

I hope your weekend outlook is equally bright. Here are some links for your weekend browsing.

As just another high-school age victim of the Scarlet Letter assignment, I found this author's article about the reward of reading good literature a poignant reminder of the world's need for books. She writes, "We rely, despite considerable counterevidence, on those who weave words into laws and sermons and stories, vesting them with our hopes for the sentence that can perform the sacramental task of imparting life and grace and faith in things not seen. The ancient Hebrews regarded utterance as a sacred gift: every spoken word was shaped and borne on the breath of life, each breath a gift of Spirit. A high view of language is essential..."

"Trusting God with My Story" makes me uncomfortable. In a good way. Read it. Then read it again. Then drink some coffee and think about your story.

This is a hilarious breathe of fresh air for anyone who has ever graded anything, but especially for the world's English composition teachers.

Here's a witty commentary from Mancredible on communication between men and women for which Halfway Down the Stairs provided plentiful if not always productive input.

Humility is one of those virtues that begs many hard lessons. It's a difficult path to tread in today's world, and especially in the fast-paced self-advertising environment through which today's young professionals slug. Here's some encouragement.

Is anxiety holding you back? Try acting naive.

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