Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Bookish Tuesday

What were your five favorite childhood books? 

1. A Little Princess by Francis Hodgson Burnett

2.Betsy, Tacy by Maud Hart Lovelace

3.Number the Stars by Lois Lowry

4.Little Men by Louisa May Alcott

4.Strawberry Girl by Lois Lenski

     Your turn! Include your list in the comments below or in a post on your blog, linking back here.


    Pinecone Camp said...

    Hey Emily. To answer your question about baking with beans, for that recipe there just wasn't a huge difference which was fantastic. Maybe just not quite as greasy?
    As for my fave childhood books, one would be Pippi Longstocking books. I'll have to think a bit more about this one.
    Have a great day!

    Emily said...

    Thanks! I had never heard of doing something like that before, but after I saw your post, I noticed that it seemed like a fairly common replacement in recipes. I'll have to try it sometime.