Thursday, December 23, 2010

1000 Blessings

I've been thinking about gratitude a lot lately. Back in October, inspired by the writing of Ann Voskamp and Rachel Center, and attempting to journal in a more focused way, I began a list of 1000 Blessings and I'm finding it both delightful and challenging.

The goal? To list 1000 things for which I am grateful by November 1 of next year. Just a few things each day. A few daily notes in my journal. A few daily reminders of God's grace. A few visible marks of the endless blessings in my life.

Through this, what did I originally hope to accomplish?
  • A regular, productive journaling regimen
  • A list of blessings
  • A record of the year
 I won't share all 1000 on the blog, but I do plan to keep at least a condensed version of my list updated here. Here's a few garnered from my list so far:

#3. Jeans
#4. The smell of the morning
#5. Mornings off
#8. Books
#9. Sunshine
#13. Blank Paper
#27. Laughter

Join me! What are you thankful for this holiday season?


Anonymous said...

Great idea!

Emily said...

I only imitate the brilliant originality of others.;-) Read Ann Voskamp's blog, Jessica! You would love it, I think.